Studio Sediment is a Zurich-based ceramics studio producing hand-cast porcelain. The studio offers their own designed products, custom commissions and workshops, where one can learn all about the art of slip-casting. Marcel Krummenacher, the founder of Studio Sediment, completed his Master’s degree in Product Design & Applied Arts (Porcelain, Ceramics & Glass) in 2016 and soon after opened his own ceramics studio.
„I have always had a great creative urge and the desire to create beautiful and useful things with my hands. Working with ceramics, especially the manual and tactile handling of the material, fulfills me completely. It's about being able to understand things without words. The feeling of having something that is worth getting up for in the morning. For me, it's pure meaning of life.“ – Marcel Krummenacher

What‘s your name and where do you consider home?
My name is Marcel Krummenacher and I'm living in Zurich, Switzerland. I consider home along the Nordstrasse in district 6 and 10 of Zurich, where my small apartment and my studio is situated.
Since when do you do pottery?
It all started in 2013. Since 2020, I have been pottering full-time.
What made you start doing pottery?
I discovered the love for porcelain by learning about processes in ceramics during my studies in Lucerne and my master's degree at Burg Giebichenstein art school in Halle, Germany.

How did you come up with your brand name?
My name was just way too long. So I named my studio after the materials I work with. Porcelain and other clay minerals are created by the weathering of silicate minerals and rocks. This process is also called sedimentation. The layer of suspended particles that forms is called sediment.
Where do you get your inspirations from?
Many things, e.g. shapes, material habits, haptics and surfaces, traditional techniques and product usability.

A person who inspires you:
My dear friend Kerstin Hendik from monâne ceramics. We studied together and have become best friends. I love her way of working, so precise and delicate. We complement each other wonderfully, she is bubbling with ideas and I channel them.
Favorite way to relax?
Take my dog for a walk along the river or forest. And watching her discover the world.
Your favorite go to spot in your city?
Stazione Paradiso by the Limmat River for a coffee, drinks and to fill up on vitamin D.